Corporate News

28/05/2014 | Corporate News

Fair Value REIT-AG: Annual General Meeting agrees dividend of EUR 0.25 per share


Munich, May 28, 2014 – The shareholders of Fair Value REIT-AG (WKN A0MW97) adopted the proposed dividend of EUR 0.25 per share for the financial year 2013 with 100 percent of the votes at the Ordinary Annual General Meeting on May 27, 2014. This constitutes a total distribution of around EUR 2.3 million. A dividend of EUR 0.10 per share was paid out for the financial year 2012.


In addition, the Annual General Meeting agreed on the creation of authorised capital. Moreover, the Management Board was authorised to issue convertible and/or warrant bonds or participation rights with or without conversion rights or subscription rights. The creation of conditional capital was also adopted, as was a capital decrease, which results in part of the shareholders’ assets tied to the previous amount of the share capital being released and transferred to the capital reserve.


As Mr. Christian Hopfer stepped down from his position as member of the Supervisory Board of the company effective as of the end of the Annual General Meeting on May 27, 2014, Mr. Wolfgang Sauerborn was elected as a new member of the Supervisory Board of Fair Value REIT-AG.


All other agenda items were also adopted at the Annual General Meeting; the voting results have been available in the Investor Relations/Annual General Meeting section of since today.


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A REIT – Higher Return for Investors

REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. The assets of these listed companies in Germany consist mainly of real estate and investments in other real estate companies.


At the international level, REITs have been established for many years. On 1 January 2007, they were introduced in Germany as well.


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Fair Value REIT-AG